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And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

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Art is God’s idea

David Kreyman & Sharon Neve

The One Who was, and is and is to come

David Kreyman

Understanding Joseph

Eugene Tanas

3 Lessons from Mother Mary

David Kreyman

Lessons on prayer from the life of Zechariah

David Kreyman

What is identity & where do you find it?

David Kreyman

The Lord is the source of our gratitude

Eugene Tanas

Our Bridal Identity in Song of Songs | PART 2

David Kreyman

Our Bridal Identity in Song of Songs | PART 1

David Kreyman

Weaponized Believers | PART 2

David Kreyman

Weaponized Believers | PART 1

David Kreyman

A breach in the wall

Eugene Tanas